H1 Windows Quiz

The latest H1 Changes divide New Zealand into the following areas:
When does the first H1 Change take effect?
The latest Change in November 2022 is in relation to:
For consents issued in January 2023 for Zone 1 what U value glass is required for thermally broken aluminium joinery?
H1 Windows Quiz
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© Viridian Glass Limited Partnership 2017
Version 2.01. Release November 2017.
1 Glass that is exposed to solar radiation absorbs heat and expands at a greater rate than glass edges hidden by glazing beads or gaskets. The resulting differential expansion causes stress which, should it reach the breaking stress of the glass, will result in thermal fracture. Thermal stresses are also caused by external shadows, blinds, drapes, heaters, back-up walls etc.
2 This app is a simple thermal safety check for Viridian IGUs in RESIDENTIAL buildings based on an established method of thermal safety assessment and the following assumptions:
- Solar radiation is 800 Watts/m2, and diurnal temperature range is 12o C.
- IGUs are vertically glazed, and are not sliding doors or adjacent sidepanels.
- The assessment applies to the orientation of inner and outer panes selected. Turning the IGU around may increase the risk of thermal fracture.
- The IGU has 12mm air cavity, and is not a spandrel panel.
- Heated air is not directed at the window as this increases the risk of thermal fracture.
- The ceiling does not any feature that can trap warm air at the top of the window.
- Blinds or drapes are fitted. Blackout blinds/drapes are those which do not allow free ventilation through it and have gaps that are less than 25 mm wide at the top and bottom, or at the bottom and vertical edges for free air circulation out of the space between the blinds and the glass. Risk of thermal fracture is higher.
- Solar reflectance from snow or other reflective surfaces to the glass is not taken into account. This increases the risk of thermal fracture.
- Shadows cast on IGUs are mobile with a duration of less than 4 hours.
3 Specific thermal safety assessment is required for all other conditions.
4 Shadows with a duration of 4 hours or more and which extends more 100 mm from the edge of the glass are classed as static shadows. These may be cast by eaves, canopies, deep transoms, mullions, columns, adjacent walls, trees, lamp posts, louvre shades etc.
5 This app is offered for assistance in the selection of Viridian glass products, but it does not constitute a warranty or merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.
Thermal safety check
Please read Disclaimer and Notes
Window frames are made of aluminium
Blackout blinds/drapes do not allow free ventilation through it, and have gaps less than 25 mm wide at the top and bottom, or at the bottom and vertical edges.
Is window frame thermally broken?
IGU make-up ? (outer pane + inner pane)
Frame colour ? (select light if unsure)
Are blinds or drapes blackout type? (select yes if unsure)
Static shadow on glass ? (select yes if unsure)
Thermal safety assessment
Outer pane, annealed
Inner pane, annealed
1. If annealed glass is thermally unsafe, heat strengthened or toughened glass should be used.
2. Glass edges must be free of edge damage. Vents, shells, chips etc can cause even thermally safe glass to break.
3. If cutting laminated glass is not possible without causing stepped and shelled edges, the edges should be smooth arrised or flat ground.
4. Check glass edges before glazing. Do not install glass if edgework is unacceptable.
5. Safe * denotes annealed glass which is marginally safe. Good quality edgework is critical.
Thermal safety check
Please read Disclaimer and Notes
Window frames are made of timber
Blackout blinds/drapes do not allow free ventilation through it, and have gaps less than 25 mm wide at the top and bottom, or at the bottom and vertical edges.
IGU make-up ? (outer pane + inner pane)
Are blinds or drapes blackout type? (select yes if unsure)
Static shadow on glass ? (select yes if unsure)
Thermal safety assessment
Outer pane, annealed
Inner pane, annealed
1. If annealed glass is thermally unsafe, heat strengthened or toughened glass should be used.
2. Glass edges must be free of edge damage. Vents, shells, chips etc can cause even thermally safe glass to break.
3. If cutting laminated glass is not possible without causing stepped and shelled edges, the edges should be smooth arrised or flat ground.
4. Check glass edges before glazing. Do not install glass if edgework is unacceptable.
5. Safe * denotes annealed glass which is marginally safe. Good quality edgework is critical.
Thermal safety check
Please read Disclaimer and Notes
Window frames are made of aluminium
Blackout blinds/drapes do not allow free ventilation through it, and have gaps less than 25 mm wide at the top and bottom, or at the bottom and vertical edges.
Is window frame thermally broken?
IGU make-up ? (outer pane + inner pane)
Frame colour ? (select light if unsure)
Are blinds or drapes blackout type? (select yes if unsure)
Static shadow on glass ? (select yes if unsure)
Thermal safety assessment
Outer pane, annealed
Inner pane, annealed
1. If annealed glass is thermally unsafe, heat strengthened or toughened glass should be used.
2. Glass edges must be free of edge damage. Vents, shells, chips etc can cause even thermally safe glass to break.
3. If cutting laminated glass is not possible without causing stepped and shelled edges, the edges should be smooth arrised or flat ground.
4. Check glass edges before glazing. Do not install glass if edgework is unacceptable.
5. Safe * denotes annealed glass which is marginally safe. Good quality edgework is critical.
Thermal safety check
Please read Disclaimer and Notes
Window frames are made of timber
Blackout blinds/drapes do not allow free ventilation through it, and have gaps less than 25 mm wide at the top and bottom, or at the bottom and vertical edges.
IGU make-up ? (outer pane + inner pane)
Are blinds or drapes blackout type? (select yes if unsure)
Static shadow on glass ? (select yes if unsure)
Thermal safety assessment
Outer pane, annealed
Inner pane, annealed
1. If annealed glass is thermally unsafe, heat strengthened or toughened glass should be used.
2. Glass edges must be free of edge damage. Vents, shells, chips etc can cause even thermally safe glass to break.
3. If cutting laminated glass is not possible without causing stepped and shelled edges, the edges should be smooth arrised or flat ground.
4. Check glass edges before glazing. Do not install glass if edgework is unacceptable.
5. Safe * denotes annealed glass which is marginally safe. Good quality edgework is critical.
Thermal safety check
Please read Disclaimer and Notes
Window frames are made of aluminium
Blackout blinds/drapes do not allow free ventilation through it, and have gaps less than 25 mm wide at the top and bottom, or at the bottom and vertical edges.
Is window frame thermally broken?
IGU make-up ? (outer pane + inner pane)
Frame colour ? (select light if unsure)
Are blinds or drapes blackout type? (select yes if unsure)
Static shadow on glass ? (select yes if unsure)
Thermal safety assessment
Outer pane, annealed
Inner pane, annealed
1. If annealed glass is thermally unsafe, heat strengthened or toughened glass should be used.
2. Glass edges must be free of edge damage. Vents, shells, chips etc can cause even thermally safe glass to break.
3. If cutting laminated glass is not possible without causing stepped and shelled edges, the edges should be smooth arrised or flat ground.
4. Check glass edges before glazing. Do not install glass if edgework is unacceptable.
5. Safe * denotes annealed glass which is marginally safe. Good quality edgework is critical.
Thermal safety check
Please read Disclaimer and Notes
Window frames are made of timber
Blackout blinds/drapes do not allow free ventilation through it, and have gaps less than 25 mm wide at the top and bottom, or at the bottom and vertical edges.
IGU make-up ? (outer pane + inner pane)
Are blinds or drapes blackout type? (select yes if unsure)
Static shadow on glass ? (select yes if unsure)
Thermal safety assessment
Outer pane, annealed
Inner pane, annealed
1. If annealed glass is thermally unsafe, heat strengthened or toughened glass should be used.
2. Glass edges must be free of edge damage. Vents, shells, chips etc can cause even thermally safe glass to break.
3. If cutting laminated glass is not possible without causing stepped and shelled edges, the edges should be smooth arrised or flat ground.
4. Check glass edges before glazing. Do not install glass if edgework is unacceptable.
5. Safe * denotes annealed glass which is marginally safe. Good quality edgework is critical.
Thermal safety check
Please read Disclaimer and Notes
Window frames are made of aluminium
Blackout blinds/drapes do not allow free ventilation through it, and have gaps less than 25 mm wide at the top and bottom, or at the bottom and vertical edges.
Is window frame thermally broken?
IGU make-up ? (outer pane + inner pane)
Frame colour ? (select light if unsure)
Are blinds or drapes blackout type? (select yes if unsure)
Static shadow on glass ? (select yes if unsure)
Thermal safety assessment
Outer pane, annealed
Inner pane, annealed
1. If annealed glass is thermally unsafe, heat strengthened or toughened glass should be used.
2. Glass edges must be free of edge damage. Vents, shells, chips etc can cause even thermally safe glass to break.
3. If cutting laminated glass is not possible without causing stepped and shelled edges, the edges should be smooth arrised or flat ground.
4. Check glass edges before glazing. Do not install glass if edgework is unacceptable.
5. Safe * denotes annealed glass which is marginally safe. Good quality edgework is critical.
Thermal safety check
Please read Disclaimer and Notes
Window frames are made of timber
Blackout blinds/drapes do not allow free ventilation through it, and have gaps less than 25 mm wide at the top and bottom, or at the bottom and vertical edges.
IGU make-up ? (outer pane + inner pane)
Are blinds or drapes blackout type? (select yes if unsure)
Static shadow on glass ? (select yes if unsure)
Thermal safety assessment
Outer pane, annealed
Inner pane, annealed
1. If annealed glass is thermally unsafe, heat strengthened or toughened glass should be used.
2. Glass edges must be free of edge damage. Vents, shells, chips etc can cause even thermally safe glass to break.
3. If cutting laminated glass is not possible without causing stepped and shelled edges, the edges should be smooth arrised or flat ground.
4. Check glass edges before glazing. Do not install glass if edgework is unacceptable.
5. Safe * denotes annealed glass which is marginally safe. Good quality edgework is critical.
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